Problem with coding a new probability distribution in Greta

I am not necessarily helpful here - so apologies in advance.

I did have a PhD student that I advise code up a zero-inflated Poisson distribution. Her work is below. Maybe by looking at that example, it might just help with your code? I believe the example is taken from Richard McElreath’s blog (McElreath Oxen Example). Good luck!


#set up
distribution_node <- greta::.internals$nodes$node_classes$distribution_node
as.greta_array <- greta::.internals$greta_arrays$as.greta_array
check_dims <- greta::.internals$utils$checks$check_dims
distrib <- greta::.internals$nodes$constructors$distrib
fl <- greta::.internals$utils$misc$fl
tf_sum <- greta:::tf_sum 
tf_prod <- greta:::tf_prod
tf_max <- greta:::tf_max

zero_inflated_distribution <- R6Class(
  inherit = distribution_node,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(prob, rate, dim) {
      prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
      rate <- as.greta_array(rate)
      # add the nodes as children and parameters
      dim <- check_dims(prob, rate, target_dim = dim)
      super$initialize("zero_inflated", dim, discrete = TRUE)
      self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
      self$add_parameter(rate, "rate")
      tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
        prob <- parameters$prob
        rate <- parameters$rate
        log_prob <- function(x) {
        #using relu
        tf$log(prob * tf$cast(tf$nn$relu(fl(1) - x), tf$float64) + (fl(1) - prob) * tf$pow(rate, x) * tf$exp(-rate) / tf$exp(tf$lgamma(x + fl(1))))
        #attempts that did not work
        #tf$log(prob * (fl(1) - tf$cast(tf$count_nonzero(c(x)), tf$float64)) + (fl(1) - prob) * tf$pow(rate, x) * tf$exp(-rate) / tf$exp(tf$lgamma(x + fl(1))))    
        #tf$log(tf$to_float(prob) * tf$to_float(tf$to_float(1) - tf$to_float(tf$count_nonzero(tf$to_float(x)))) + tf$to_float((tf$to_float(1) - tf$to_float(prob)) * (tf$to_float(tf$pow(tf$to_float(rate), tf$to_float(x))) * tf$to_float(tf$exp(tf$to_float(-rate)))) / tf$to_float(tf$exp(tf$lgamma(tf$to_float(x) + tf$to_float(1))))))  
        #tf$log(prob * tf$to_float(tf_max(c(tf$to_float(1) - tf$to_float(x), tf$to_float(0)))) + tf$to_float(tf$to_float(1) - prob) * tf$to_float(tf$pow(rate, x) * tf$exp(-rate)) / (tf$exp(tf$lgamma(tf$to_float(x) + tf$to_float(1)))))
        # attempt that works but did not converge
       #tf$log(prob * tf_max(fl(1) - x, 0) + (fl(1) - prob) * (tf$pow(rate, x) * tf$exp(-rate)) / (tf$exp(tf$lgamma(x + fl(1)))))
         list(log_prob = log_prob, cdf = NULL, log_cdf = NULL)
    tf_cdf_function = NULL,
    tf_log_cdf_function = NULL

zero_inflated <- function (prob, rate, dim = NULL) {
  distrib("zero_inflated", prob, rate, dim)

#simulated data
## define parameters
prob_drink <- 0.2 # 20% of days
rate_work <- 1    # average 1 manuscript per day
## sample one year of production
N <- 365
## simulate days monks drink
drink <- rbinom( N , 1 , prob_drink )
## simulate manuscripts completed
y <- (1-drink)*rpois( N , rate_work )

# prior
log_rate <- normal(0, 10)
logit_drink <- normal(0, 1)
rate <- exp(log_rate)
drink <- ilogit(logit_drink)

# likelihood
distribution(y) <- zero_inflated(drink, rate) 

m <- model(logit_drink, log_rate)


samples <- greta::mcmc(m, warmup = 400, n_samples = 4000)


Thank you Adam. This actually solves my problem. I actually just forgot to load the tensorflow library. This mere change solves the problem ! Just by adding:


Hi Lionel68, and others,

I wanted to implement a Zero Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) distribution in greta (great package, long live !) and recently found your post that explains this. Many thanks for that. However, I am missing something : after modifying the files to include a “zero_inflated_negative_binomial” distribution object and installing the package with “devtools::install_github(my_fork_repository”, R still says the object can be found.
First message on this forum, thanks in advance for any help !

Best wishes,


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Hi Olivier!

Welcome! Thanks for posting!

Are you able to point me to the repository where you implement this ZINB distribution? Happy to take a look - it would also be helpful if you can provide the code that you run when you are using your fork of greta to use ZINB - this way I can try and reproduce the problem on my end and debug it as well :slight_smile:

To try and debug your issue I would try the following:

  1. Go to the R folder/Rstudio project where you’ve created your fork of the repo
  2. Run devtools::load_all()
  3. Test if the script works
  4. If it works, restart R, and try running your code with library(greta) - make sure you’ve incremented the version number in the DESCRIPTION file, so it should be something like - so you can then check that your package is being loaded when you run library(greta) and then run packageVersion("greta") - which should return (or whatever you decided)
  5. Test if your script works

Let me know how you go, happy to help!

Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot for your reply and help ! After posting I realized my fork (“olivuntu/greta”) was way behind the original “greta-dev/greta” repo. So I’ve fetched and merged changes, while trying to maintain mine.

I have to say I’m not completely GitHub fluent, rather a beginner, I may have introduced another issue there : when trying to run “devtools::load_all()” as you adviced, I get this message : “Line starting ‘<<<<<<< HEAD …’ is malformed!”, which indicates a mistake in one of the merged file, right ? But I can’t figure out which file is concerned. Do you know how to detect that ?
Sorry to bother with something different, and thanks again.


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Hi Olivier!

No worries! Merging things on github often catches me off guard as well - can you share the URL of your github repository? I can try and take a look directly tomorrow :slight_smile:

Good to know ! Yes, sorry, it’s there !
Thanks indeed ! :slight_smile:

Hi Nic,

I could fix the issue with the malformed line. Now the package installs right, but the ‘zero_inflated_negative_binomial’ still cannot be found. I guess it has to do with exporting the function object, but I still haven’t found the fix for that. I will try and dive in R’s docs, but I wouldn’t mind saving me some time ! :slightly_smiling_face: Did you have a look by any chance ?

All the best,


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Hi @olivuntu!

Apologies for the delay.

I can see zero_inflated_negative_binomial when I run devtools::load_all(), and looking at the code, it all looks fine to me - the only suggestion I have is to us { around the function call, so:


#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
zero_inflated_negative_binomial <- function(theta, size, prob, dim = NULL){
  distrib('zero_inflated_negative_binomial', theta, size, prob, dim)

And make sure that you run devtools::document() - at the moment I cannot see your function in the NAMESPACE file: - which would happen if you haven’t run devtools::document(), or that function isn’t being recognised.

Let me know how you go?

Hi Nick,

No worries, and thanks for your time, because the new distribution is now well exported !
I’m not sure whether the brackets {} or the call to the document did the trick (probably document), but it did work ! (I guess I have study the different steps of package building).

Of course, another issue has emerged … When the new object is used (zero_negative_negative_binomial, of class function), it produces the following error message:
“Error in initialize(…) : attempt to apply non-function”, which itself appears in the call of “constructor$new(…)”, but I’m still not sure how to correct that !


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Hi @olivuntu!

Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner!

I’m glad that it now exports! Looking at your code, I noticed the following in your testthat helpers, which isn’t related to this problem, but something good to know about - I recommend changing it as follows:


dzinb <- function(x, theta, size, prob, log = FALSE)
    return(liknbinom(x, size = size, prob = prob, log = log))


dzinb <- function(x, theta, size, prob, log = FALSE){
  dist_zinb <- likelihoodExplore::liknbinom(x,
                                            size = size,
                                            prob = prob,
                                            log = log)

And then using likeligoodExplore in Suggests, by typing this into the R console:

use_package("likelihoodExplore", type = "Suggests")

This changes adds the package to the “Suggests” field in the Description. What this means is that package isn’t required for installation, but only for certain cases - in our case, for testing.

For more details on this, see and

OK, so no onto the other half of the problem, I will need to use my other non M1 laptop to get this working properly, which is partly why I didn’t get back to you last week as I only had my M1 laptop handy.

Stay tuned!


So I’m pretty sure I got this to work!

There are two main changes that you need to make:

  1. Change greta::.internals$utils$checks$check_dims to check_dims
  2. update x parameter in your sample function.

So, change these instances of greta::.internals$utils$checks$check_dims to check_dims


to use check_dims

And then replace x here:

with size - I think that is right parameter to use. It doesn’t know what x is so it fails then.

Now, I would normally write this up as a pull request to your fork of greta so you can accept these changes directly rather than second hand via this message. But it actually ends up being a bit hard to do that for technical reasons.

Also, Would you be open to submitting this as a pull request into greta? I think that we could do with some of these extra distributions, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about using your own custom version!

Let me know how you go?

Hi @njtierney,

Yes, it does !

I can run a model using the new ZINB distribution, which is really awesome ! I still have to check whether the model makes sense, but that’s another question :grin: At least it does run ! :+1:

Regarding the details, thanks for your two points :

  1. I’ve changed the calls to check_dims as advised,
  2. I’ve changed the definition of the sample function for the ZINB distribution: the x argument was wrong indeed. I was confused because the definition of the negative binomial distribution in R uses the number of successes (size) and the probability of success (p) as parameters, whereas in tensorflow, the parameters are total_count, that is the number of failures (!), and prob, the probability of success …

I will doublecheck that the parametrisation is consistent between the log_prob and sample functions.

I thought of keeping R's perspective in the first place, but in the end it seems more consistent to retain tf’s, with total_count = size. The documentation for the ZINB should reflect that (I’ve just noticed this is not the case for the negative_binomial distribution which uses total_count = size, and probs = 1 - prob, I’m not sure this is correct as s and f are not symmetric in the definition of the probability distribution).

Regarding the helper test, it seems the likelihoodExplore was not available after a recent update of R. So I’ve changed the test to use the VGAM package instead as it seems more actively maintained.
And added the suggestion as you suggested (with use_package).

I will make sure everything run smoothly and will then a pull request into greta, yes. It will be nice to have the zero-inflated distributions included in the package versions to come ! They should be useful to others as well.

Again, many thanks again for your time and help.



Hi, thanks @olivuntu for keeping this thread going again. Having the zero-inflated family of distributions will certainly vastly expand the utility of greta. (and if one is allowed to be greedy, I’ll throw in the Tweedie, or at least it compound Poisson-gamma interpretation, here :grin: )

Anyhow, for the probability density function, is there a reason not the use the package extraDistr which greta already depends on? @olivuntu you may find extraDistr::dzinb helpful too. VGAM is a very nice package, but sometimes it uses alternative parameterisation of the probability density functions so I’m always worried that I am not doing it correctly.

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Love this discussion! Thanks @hrlai and @olivuntu

@olivuntu let me know how you go with everything re merging in - I might end up changing some things in the pull request, as I’d like to provide a vignette or other documentation on how to add a distribution to greta, so hopefully we can use your work to help demonstrate this :slight_smile:


Hi there,

Yes, motivating ! I was not aware of the Tweedie family, thanks @hrlai, it seems quite powerful ! Thanks also for mentioning extraDistr. Indeed it seems more consistent to use this package for the extra distributions that already parametrized in there ! I’ve changed this in the helper section, but haven’t tested yet.

I’m fine with your input in the final pull step Nick, especially if it ends up in a HOW-TO that helps further improvement !

At the moment, I’m having trouble performing the check() step as it generates a system error on Linux. Otherwise updated the repo, and the package stills installs and loads nicely in R.

Testing further…

All the best,


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Thanks @olivuntu! I’ve added it as a to do here:

Hi @olivuntu !

Would you mind if I incorporated your distributions from your code (e.g., into greta.distributions ? You will be listed as author in the R package :slight_smile:

No worries if you would prefer to do it yourself, I’m just kind of keen to get this incorporated into greta.distributions in the coming weeks.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Hi @njtierney,

Sorry for the recent statu quo. I’ve just pulled a request to greta-dev just now with the code for the ZI distributions. I have to say, my first pull ever, so you may also want to add the code yourself to greta if that’s more convenient, that’s also fine with me.
For some reason that still escapes me, I could not run the formal test to compare the ZINB distribution with that of extraDistr (function chek_tf_version cannot be found…). That’s why I have not pushed the changes so far.
Otherwise it does the job, and for the story, since all that, I’ve been using greta with a post-doc fellow to fit his nice ecological model of ZINB-distributed seedlings numbers with several hierarchical levels, including an explicative process level of dispersed seeds numbers itself modeled as a multinomial response of higher-level species fruit fecundity and other traits… :exploding_head: It’s really neat to be able to code such things (relatively) simply thanks to greta !! :hugs:

And thanks for the addition to the authors’ list, a pleasure ! Happy to contribute further when possible ! :wink:



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Thanks so much, @olivuntu!

I’ve posted some instructions on the pull request, but we’ll actually be adding new distributions to

I’m so stoked to hear that you have been able to use ZINB in some cool ecological models!
