Hi Howard,
I think I have found a better solutions! We can make use of the joint
function which allows users to combine two or more different distributions into a single likelihood.
For example: if we assume that vector a
is length 10 and each element is distributed \sim N(\mu_1, 1) and vector b
is length 10 and each element is distributed \sim N(\mu_2, 1) we could have a model like:
mu_1 <- normal(0, 100)
mu_2 <- normal(0, 100)
x <- cbind(rnorm(10, 10, 1), rnorm(10, 2, 1))
distribution(x) <- joint(normal(mu_1, 1, dim = 10), normal(mu_2, 1, dim = 10))
- The use of
ensures that the data has the same dimensions as the collections of variables produced by joint
- When we extend the distributions with
all the variables are independent
After reading the documentation for joint
I am confident that this will definitely give you the likelihood you want.
All the best!