Hi Nick/everyone,
I’m looking to implement a generalised linear latent variable model (GLLVM), likes the ones of Hui 2015 in there R package BORAL.I was wondering if Nick, or someone else, could post an example of how one would do this in greta?
The package uses JAGS, so below is an example JAGS model from the spider data in the mvabund package (used the Hui 2016 paper). It has two latent variables, a row effect to control for sequencing depth and counts modelled as a negative binomial.
model {
## Data Level ##
for(i in 1:n) {
for(j in 1:p) { eta[i,j] <- inprod(lv.coefs[j,2:(num.lv+1)],lvs[i,]) + row.coefs.ID1[row.ids[i,1]] }
for(j in 1:p) { u[i,j] ~ dgamma(1/lv.coefs[j,num.lv+2], 1/lv.coefs[j,num.lv+2]) }
for(j in 1:p) { y[i,j] ~ dpois(exp(lv.coefs[j,1] + eta[i,j ])*(u[i,j])) } ## Parameterizing the NB as a multiplicative random effect models
## Latent variables ##
for(i in 1:n) { for(k in 1:num.lv) { lvs[i,k] ~ dnorm(0,1) } }
## Process level and priors ##
for(j in 1:p) { lv.coefs[j,1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1) } ## Separate species intercepts
for(i in 1:n.ID[1]) { row.coefs.ID1[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.1) }
for(i in 1:(num.lv-1)) { for(j in (i+2):(num.lv+1)) { lv.coefs[i,j] <- 0 } } ## Constraints to 0 on upper diagonal
for(i in 1:num.lv) { lv.coefs[i,i+1] ~ dnorm(0,0.1)I(0,) } ## Sign constraints on diagonal elements
for(i in 2:num.lv) { for(j in 2:i) { lv.coefs[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,0.1) } } ## Free lower diagonals
for(i in (num.lv+1):p) { for(j in 2:(num.lv+1)) { lv.coefs[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,0.1) } } ## All other elements
for(j in 1:p) { lv.coefs[j,num.lv+2] ~ dunif(0,30) } ## Dispersion parameters
Thanks for your help,