Hello! 👋 I'm a research software engineer working on greta

Hi folks!

My name is Nick Tierney, I’ve just started working as a research software engineer with @nick , helping maintain the greta package.

My personal mission is to improve data analysis for everyone, by designing accessible tools to solve complex problems with open source software. So, I am very excited to be working on greta, and engaging with you all.

A bit about me: I did an undergraduate + honours in psychology, then did a PhD in statistics. I’ve worked on exploratory data analysis (see visdat, naniar, and brolgar), with the guidance of Di Cook. I’ve also worked on things like maxcovr, for optimally placing facilities, and mmcc for fast summaries of Bayesian models. I also write rstats blog posts semi-regularly at njtierney dot com

I am still settling into this role and learning the ropes, but I’ll be checking this forum regularly to help out where I can. Looking forward to engaging with this great community!




Hi Nick. I have enjoyed following you on Twitter for a long time and am thrilled to hear about you being on the greta team.

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Thanks so much, @ajf ! Really appreciate the kind words. I’m looking forward to engaging with this great community and improving greta :slight_smile: