ODEs and 'config' attribute in 'tensorflow'

Hi there !

I’m new to greta , so apologies if this question has been answered before. I am enjoying using greta on my machine (Mac). To get familiar with basics, I simulated data from a simple regression model (y=b1+b2*x) and estimated b1 and b2 and it is working well. Then to level-up, I tried running the ODE example code in the greta.dynamics() package (Lotka-Volterra model). However, when I attempt MCMC inference on the model, find the MAP estimate ( o <- opt(m) ), or use greta to directly solve the ODE for a given set of parameters ( vals <- calculate(y, values = values)[[1]] ), I receive the following error message:

AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute 'contrib’

I am attaching an image of the error message below.

Is there a way around it ? Also, if it helps in any way, I have attached below the configuration of dependencies installed.

Thanks and regards,