Sampler sticking to initial values in HO

I am trying to fit a hierarchical ordination in greta. With help from Nick G, we set up the model during ISEC 2022. I have recently introduced a new identifiability constraint, and though the model generally seems to run well, some chains (primarily for the scale parameters and intercepts) stick to their initial values. Any suggestions on how to improve this would be appreciated!

Some example code


# Some example data
y <- antTraits$abund
n_sites <- nrow(antTraits$abund)
n_species <- ncol(antTraits$abund)

X1 <- scale(antTraits$env)
TR1 <- antTraits$traits
TR1 <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~",paste(colnames(antTraits$traits),collapse="+"))),TR1)[,-1]
TR <- t(scale(TR1))

# Some other required info
n_latent <- 2
n_traits <- nrow(TR)
n_covs <- ncol(X1)

X <- as_data(X1)
TR <- as_data(TR) # traits

# Start constructing parameters and all that
# Intercepts, nothing too fancy
int <- normal(0, 1, dim = c(n_species))*10

# LVs
epsilon <- normal(0, 1, dim = c(n_sites, n_latent))

# Loadings
varepsilon <- normal(0, 1, dim = c(n_latent, n_species))

# Latent variable scales
LVpars <- exponential(1, dim = n_latent)
LVscales <- rev(cumsum(LVpars)) <-  sweep(z, 2, LVscales, "*")
eta <- sweep( %*% gamma, 2, int, FUN = "+")

lambda <- exp(eta)
distribution(y) <- poisson(lambda)

# Model that stuff
m <- model(int, LVscales)

n_samples <- 1e3;  n_warmup <- 1e3; n_thin <- 1e1; n_chains <- 10

# sample away
draws <- mcmc(m,
              chains = n_chains,
              n_samples = n_samples,
              warmup = n_warmup,
              thin = n_thin,
              sampler = hmc(Lmin=20,Lmax=25)

plot(draws) # Yuk, some chains are sticky
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Hi @BertvdVeen!

I was working my way though this, I canā€™t seem to find the ā€œzā€ variable, used here: <-  sweep(z, 2, LVscales, "*")

How much experimentation have you tried with different values for the initial leapfrog steps?

Woops, z here should be replaced by epsilon, so that the script reads <- sweep(epsilon, 2, LVscales, "")
eta <- sweep( %
% gamma, 2, int, FUN = ā€œ+ā€)

I edited the example a few times, apologies.

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W.r.t. the initial leapfrog steps; I have tried a few different values, usually with larger separation between Lmin and Lmax.

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I have run into this type of problem a number of times, and hacked together a solution at the end of last year whilst on a long flight.

Essentially itā€™s because the model is hard to initialise - most proposed initial values lead to a non-finite objective or, more often, gradient. The way greta initialises at present is pretty clunky and sometime proposes inits with invalid gradients, so HMC canā€™t move from those starting points.

The solution is to sample a large number of inits from the priors, and reject any with invalid objective or gradient. We should add that into a near-future release, but I have this hacky solution that does that from the user side using the current release of greta (not Nick Tā€™s in-development TF2 release). You need to install a particular version of greta.dynamics from github (I was being lazy and reused a helper function from there). Then you just need to create inits with the generate_valid_inits() function, and pass those in. See the commented code at the bottom for an example.

Install and load stuff:

# must load TF after greta

Functions you need to load (only one is used in model code)

# write function to take a greta model, simulate from priors and find valid free
# states as inits (those with all finite density and gradients)

# need to convert these outputs to inits
make_inits <- function(i, simulations, greta_arrays) {
  values <- lapply(simulations, greta.dynamics:::slice_first_dim, i)
  values <- mapply(enforce_dim, values, greta_arrays, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), values)

# ensure the r value has the same dimensions as the corresponding greta array
enforce_dim <- function(r_value, greta_array) {
  array(r_value, dim = dim(greta_array))

# convert an inits list into a matrix of free states
get_free_states <- function(inits_list, variable_greta_arrays, model) {
  # attach the variable greta arrays here, to be found by
  # parse_initial_values(), which is hard-coded to look in a particular number
  # of parent frames above
  attach(variable_greta_arrays, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
  free_state_list <- lapply(inits_list,
         model$dag), free_state_list)

# sample a batch of n free state values from the model priors, but only return
# those that are valid
prior_sample_free_states_batch <- function(model, n) {

  # 1. simulate n times from priors for all parameters (as in calculate)
  variable_nodes <- model$dag$node_list[model$dag$node_types == "variable"]
  variable_greta_arrays <- lapply(variable_nodes, greta:::as.greta_array)
  sims <-, c(variable_greta_arrays, list(nsim = n)))

  # 2. convert these back to free state values
  inits_list <- lapply(seq_len(n),

  free_states <- get_free_states(inits_list,

  # 3. push the free state through to get density and gradients for all sims
  tfe <- model$dag$tf_environment
  # model$dag$define_joint_density()
  tfe$log_prob <- model$dag$generate_log_prob_function()
  tfe$joint_density_adj <- model$dag$on_graph(tfe$log_prob(tfe$free_state))
  tfe$grads <- tf$gradients(tfe$joint_density_adj, tfe$free_state)[[1]]
  tfe$density_grads <- tf$concat(list(tf$expand_dims(tfe$joint_density_adj, 1L),
                                 axis = 1L)
  density_grads <- tfe$sess$run(tfe$density_grads, feed_dict = tfe$feed_dict)

  # determine validity (finite density and grads) and return only the valid free states
  valid <- apply(is.finite(density_grads), 1, all)
  free_states[valid,  , drop = FALSE]


# Attempt to sample n valid free state values (those that result in a finite
# density and gradients) for the given model by sampling from the model priors.
# these can be use to define initial values for models that are difficult to
# sample from. Iteratively add samples to get at least n, but give up after
# trying max_tries.
prior_sample_free_states <- function(model, n, max_tries = n * 100, initial_tries = n) {

  # first attempt, hopefully they are all there
  free_states <- prior_sample_free_states_batch(model, initial_tries)
  tries <- initial_tries

  while (tries < max_tries & nrow(free_states) < n) {

    # calculate success rate and number still needed
    successes <- nrow(free_states)
    still_needed <- n - successes
    success_rate <- successes / tries

    # handle 0 success case
    finite_success_rate <- ifelse(success_rate == 0,
                                  1 / tries,

    # work out how many to try to get there
    predicted_n_to_try <- still_needed / finite_success_rate
    # do some more, to increase the chance of getting there
    n_to_try <- round(1.1 * predicted_n_to_try)
    # don't try more than max_tries
    n_to_try <- pmin(n_to_try, max_tries - tries)

    # try them
    free_state_new <- prior_sample_free_states_batch(model, n_to_try)
    free_states <- rbind(free_states, free_state_new)
    tries <- tries + n_to_try


  # see if we were successful
  successes <- nrow(free_states)

  # error informatively
  if (successes < n) {
    if (successes == 0) {
      msg <- cli::format_error(
        c("no valid initial values were found in {max_tries} samples",
          "from the model priors")
    } else {
      msg <- cli::format_error(
        c("only {successes} initial values were found in {max_tries} samples",
          "from the model priors")

    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)


  # otherwise just return the required number
  free_states[seq_len(n), ]

  # add a progress bar to this (progress =  successes/n)
  # maybe a second one simultaneously for tries / max_tries


# check that all the variable greta arrays are available so that inits can be
# specified for them
inits_are_deterministic <- function(model) {

  # check all the required greta arrays are visible
  visible_greta_arrays <- model$visible_greta_arrays
  visible_nodes <- lapply(visible_greta_arrays, greta:::get_node)
  visible_node_names <- vapply(visible_nodes,
                               FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  variable_nodes <- model$dag$node_list[model$dag$node_types == "variable"]
  variable_node_names <- vapply(variable_nodes,
                                FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  all(variable_node_names %in% visible_node_names)


# function to create a list of initial values object from a matrix of free states
initials_from_free_states <- function(model, free_states) {

  if(!inits_are_deterministic(model)) {
    msg <- cli::format_warning(
      c("not all variable greta arrays are visible in the current workspace",
        "some initial values for some variables cannot all be validated")
    warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

  n <- nrow(free_states)
  dag <- model$dag
  tfe <- dag$tf_environment
  visible_greta_arrays <- model$visible_greta_arrays
  # find visible greta arrays that are variables
  vga_nodes <- lapply(visible_greta_arrays, greta:::get_node)
  vga_node_names <- vapply(vga_nodes,
                           FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  all_variable_node_names <- names(dag$node_types[dag$node_types == "variable"])
  keep <- vga_node_names %in% all_variable_node_names
  visible_variable_greta_arrays <- visible_greta_arrays[keep]

  # hack the free states into calculate
  target_node_list <- lapply(visible_variable_greta_arrays, greta:::get_node)
  target_names_list <- lapply(target_node_list, dag$tf_name)
  target_tensor_list <- lapply(target_names_list, get, envir = tfe)
  assign("calculate_target_tensor_list", target_tensor_list, envir = tfe)
  dag$set_tf_data_list("batch_size", n)
  dag$build_feed_dict(list(free_state = free_states))

  sims <- dag$tf_sess_run("calculate_target_tensor_list", as_text = TRUE)

  # split the greta array values into inits with make_inits()
  inits_list <- lapply(seq_len(n),


# given a greta model, and a required number of chains, generate an initials
# object of the correct shape that ensures the initial values for all variable
# greta arrays visiblle in the workspace result in finite density and gradient
# values
generate_valid_inits <- function(model, chains, max_tries = chains * 100, initial_tries = chains) {
  free_states <- prior_sample_free_states(model,
                                          max_tries = max_tries,
                                          initial_tries = initial_tries)


x <- rnorm(100)
mu <- normal(0, 1)
# # works fine
# sd <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(0, Inf))
# a little difficult to sample
sd <- normal(0, 1)
# # very difficult to sample
# sd <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(-Inf, 0.01))

# # impossible to sample
# sd <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(-Inf, 0))
distribution(x) <- normal(mu, sd)
m <- model(mu) 

n_chains <- 10
inits <- generate_valid_inits(m, n_chains)
draws <- mcmc(m, chains = n_chains, initial_values = inits)


Great response, thank you Nick. I will have a try and post the results :slight_smile:

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This doesnā€™t seem to work, with error ā€˜model$dag: object of type ā€˜closureā€™ is not subsettableā€™. But, thatā€™s because ā€œmodelā€ here is supposed to be ā€œmā€.

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OK, this works for the HO model but did unfortunately not solve the problem.

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Fixed! Thanks for catching that.

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