Hello greta enthusiasts like me. I just wanted to make you aware of the first textbook (that I know of at least) to incorporate greta. Its called “A Business Analyst’s Introduction to Business Analytics”. A free copy is available here: www.causact.com and the printed version is here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DBYPRD2.
As the author I am certainly biased about the book, but my students have loved its flow. Its designed to be a step easier than McElreath’s masterpiece “Statistical Rethinking”. So if you want to conquer “Statistical Rethinking”, but need a book to build your R and Bayesian inference confidence first, then this would be it.
Up-to-date install instructions
Since I teach using greta, I needed a robust method of getting students through the sometimes frustrating install process. The methods here seem to work 99% of the time:
I welcome feedback via Twitter (@preposterior) and github(https://github.com/flyaflya/causact). The book is written in RMarkdown, so I can quickly re-compile the book with corrected typos and/or improved comprehension.